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Cumber Claudy Primary School, Claudy Londonderry

Home Study Work Packs

19th Mar 2020

Home study work packs for all children will be available to pick up from school from 1:30pm on Friday. I would like to thank all the Teachers and Classroom Assistants, and Ruth, who have worked so hard to get everything in place. Each pack has a covering letter from the class teacher which includes an email address which you can use to ask any questions or make any comments about your child’s progress. Your child’s class teacher will be checking emails regularly in order to give you as prompt a response as is possible. Please send a test message to your Class Teacher’s email address so that the teacher will then have your email address.

As you will be aware, learning resources are very different in nature and in format for different year groups, and the packs reflect this. We have tried also to support learners with varying needs and abilities through differentiated learning packs within each class.

In addition to the work in the current work packs, staff are planning to prepare additional work for the children to take them through the entire Summer Term. If there is an escalation of the current social distancing policy and we are unable to physically prepare and distribute work, all of the future home-school work packs will be uploaded onto our school web-site so that they can be accessed electronically. Teachers are preparing and scanning work which can be up-loaded in this way.

The home study work packs also include a page entitled “Home School Learning – Tips for Parents and Carers.” We hope this is helpful. It is obviously not an ideal situation to be asked to educate your children in this way, but we know that everyone will do their utmost to help their children learn, and to keep their minds active and engaged!